Chronic pain is a broad term that describes pain that lasts longer than three to six months or pain that persists beyond normal tissue healing. Some forms of chronic pain can be linked to a specific cause such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis. Other forms of pain have no known or understood cause, such as fibromyalgia or neuropathic pain (nerve pain). Fighting chronic pain is a lifelong struggle for many.
We treat chronic pain caused by physical injuries or other physical disorders, as well as chronic pain with no clear physical cause, with a combination of evidence-based orthopedic approaches, exercise therapy, neurology, and behavior-coaching approaches (such as Fibromyalgia or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). Fear of re-injury, stress, sadness, and worry can all enhance nerve sensitivities and contribute to chronic pain because chronic pain is partly or entirely located in the central nervous system. We work with each of our patients to create a tailored plan of care that may include a combination of physiotherapy methods, exercise programmes, and other patient-specific strategies to help them build long-term self-management strategies for their chronic pain.
Treatment also includes manual therapy, laser, ultrasound, shockwave, bracing, k-taping, soft tissue mobilization, TENS, acupuncture, heat and cold. They are administered in combination with exercise to relieve pain so people can return to normal daily life.