What is Pre Operative Rehabilitation?
Preoperative physiotherapy, often known as prehabilitation, is the use of physiotherapy before a surgery or procedure.
In the area of orthopedics, it's quite prevalent. When a ligament is torn or a bone is injured, a physiotherapist is often brought in before the operation to help you prepare physically for the treatment and limit the risk of problems. For example, if you're intending on having muscle-skeletal surgery during prehabilitation, we'll focus on shifting those areas around to help with recovering. To a limited extent, this could entail performing some stretching or endurance exercises. Patients who exercise consistently before surgery have fewer complications than patients who do not exercise regularly before surgery.
Benefits of Physiotherapy Before Surgery
Decrease your risk of developing complications after surgery
Decreases recovery time.
Relieve your pain early.
Rehabilitation before surgery improves the overall outcome of the operation.
What is Post Operative Rehabilitation?
A successful surgery does not indicate that you may resume your healthy lifestyle prior to going into the operating room.
Postoperative rehabilitation is a type of physiotherapy that is tailored to the needs of persons who have recently undergone orthopedic surgery. Patients should also receive physiotherapy treatment, according to surgical professionals, in order to improve surgery outcomes. Physiotherapists are already familiar with the rules that your doctor provided. Our Lambton Physiotherapy and Rehab team has the knowledge and experience to assist you with your problems by developing individualized treatment programs that are suited to your specific requirements.
Post-operative physiotherapy is classified into three stages, beginning after you are discharged from the hospital and continuing until all of your body functions have returned to normal.
The condition demands Rehabilitation before and after Surgery
  • Hip Replacement
  • Knee Replacement
  • ACL Reconstruction
  • Tendon Repair
  • Meniscus Repair
  • Arthroscopy for impingement syndrome
  • Meniscectomy
  • Post-Fracture
  • Rotator cuff repair
  • Total shoulder replacement
  • Arthroscopy for frozen shoulder
  • Arthroscopy for Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow

    Our physiotherapists will assist you in getting back on your feet after surgery. Evidence shows that physiotherapy is effective in relieving pain and improving function.