If you're dealing with shoulder pain on a daily basis, it's a major issue. We utilise our shoulders all day, so if you're in pain, it may really disrupt your day, as well as your mood and productivity. Lambton Physiotherapy & Rehab is committed to providing you with natural shoulder pain management choices, regardless of the cause of your shoulder pain.
What is the source of my shoulder pain?
Shoulder pain can range from minor aches and pains caused by a strained muscle to severe bone-on-bone friction caused by arthritis. It can also occur as a result of an accident, leaving you with the feeling that your shoulder is frozen.
Shoulder pain can show up in a variety of ways, such as reaching for the top shelf to put away dishes or having trouble sleeping in a comfortable position.
Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain include:
  • Bursitis/Tendonitis
  • Rotator Cuff injury
  • Labrum Tear
  • Sprain/Strain
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Adhesive Capsulitis
  • Arthritis
  • Painful Arc Syndrome
  • Dislocation/ Instability
  • Fractures
Physiotherapy For Shoulder Pain Has Many Advantages
Without the use of hazardous drugs or invasive surgery, physical therapy is a non-invasive, natural, and comfortable alternative to help you with shoulder pain alleviation. Our physical therapists have treated a wide range of shoulder pain disorders, with many patients seeing considerable relief and improvement after just a few sessions!
During your evaluation, we will assess your range of motion, strength, coordination, medical history, joint mobility, and joint motion mechanics. Once the source of your shoulder pain has been determined, our Lambton Physiotherapy & Rehab Physiotherapist will be able to build a tailored treatment plan to manage and relieve it.
Gentle manual therapy may be used as part of your treatment plan to help restore normal joint movement, ease soft tissue limitations, and improve circulation. It's also possible to integrate specific strength-building workouts and a precise muscle activation sequence around the shoulder joint.
Physiotherapists will also teach you new ways to move your body to help you gain strength and prevent future shoulder problems.
Shoulder pain may be in controlling your life, but it doesn't have to be. We will provide you with the assistance you require to return to doing the activities you enjoy without pain.
Make an appointment with Lambton Physiotherapy & Rehab now to start your pain-free path!